Constitution for Lo Crispín Residents Cultural Association as approved in General Meeting on 12th January 2010
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be "Lo Crispín Residents Cultural Association"
2. Aims of Association
To form a Cultural Association open to Residents of Lo Crispín Urbanisation and other areas
3. Objectives
The objectives of the Association shall be :-
Develop a cultural awareness.
To integrate into the Spanish community.
To gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the Spanish way of life.
To develop a more cohesive and stronger urbanisation.
4. Activities
Visits to places of cultural interest such as museums, galleries, artisan and craft activities, churches, exhibitions and other events of a cultural interest.
To visit and compare Spanish communities and Associations to gain a better understanding of Spanish culture and traditions.
Encourage members to take part in Spanish activities.
Develop relationships with other Associations.
5. Membership
Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16
6. Exclusion or expulsion from Membership
The Committee of the Association shall have the power by simple majority vote to exclude or expel anyone other than officers and committee members from membership of the Association.
Such power will only be exercised when in the reasonable opinion of the Committee the membership or continued membership of that person.
- would prejudice the good name ; or
- adversely affect the running; or
- be an unduly disruptive influence in the conduct of the meetings of the Association.
Officers and Committee members may only be expelled from membership of the Association by a simple majority of the Association in General Meetings and for the same reasons.
An Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened for this purpose in accordance with clause 10 below. In such cases a replacement officer will be elected at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
7. Subscriptions
An annual subscription will be applied to members and the level thereof shall be considered by the Committee from time to time and, if the Committee decides to alter the subscription fee, this shall be recommended to the Annual General Meeting by notice of motion in accordance with clause 11.
8. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary (hereinafter referred to jointly as “the Officers”).The Officers of the Association must be permanent and full time residents of Lo Crispin urbanisation. The Officers will hold office for a period of 3 years.
At the end of that period there shall be an election of Officers by the Association at the Annual General Meeting and the retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.
9. Committee
There shall be a Committee of the Association which shall consist of the Officers and a minimum of 3 other members. Committee members will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting for a period of one year.
10. Meetings
There will be meetings of the Committee as often as the President shall decide, but at each Committee meeting the date for the next meeting shall be fixed. A quorum for a committee meeting shall be 2 Officers and 2 Committee members. There will be Committee meetings of the Association as often as the Committee shall be decide of which at least 14 days notice will be given. The purpose of such Committee meetings shall be to discuss matters of common interest to the members.11. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Association having been founded in January 2010, and having appointed its first officers and committee meeting on 13th May 2010.
There shall be an AGM of the Association once a year, the first such meeting to be held in May 2011. Notices of motion and nominations for committee post or for the officers must be delivered to the President or Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
There must be a proposer and seconder for each notice of motion or nomination whose names together with the motion or nomination will be published in the Agenda for the AGM.
No other nominations will be accepted unless a post remains vacant on the day of the AGM. At the AGM the following business will be carried out:-
- Receipt, approval and adoption of a statement of accounts to the end of the preceding year.
- Consideration and fixing of the level of subscription (if any) of the following year.
- Election of Officers every third year.
- Election of Committee members (min 3).
Officers and members of the Committee will be eligible and assumed to be standing for re-election, unless the President or Secretary are advised otherwise, no less than 14 days before the AGM.
A quorum for the AGM shall be 20% of the members.
12. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
The President or 20% of the members may call an EGM by notice in writing to the President or Secretary specifying motion or motions or other business to be considered by the EGM.
The President or Secretary shall then convene the EGM by giving all members 14 days notice.
13. Voting at Meetings
Voting at meetings shall be a show of hands and a simple majority shall be sufficient to carry a motion. Each member of the Association will be entitled to one vote.
In the event of his or her absence, he or she can proxy vote by appointing (in writing) another member to duly act on their behalf.
The President shall have the right to veto any motion or decision, which in his opinion contravenes Spanish Law.
14. Powers of the Committee
The Committee shall have the power to make decisions over the running and regulations of the Association even where there is no specific provision in the Constitution.
15. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Association shall have no affiliation nor shall it be linked in any way to any political party.